You are currently viewing Why will September 4 be one of the most anticipated nights in TV history?

The television in Spain will be celebrating next Monday, September 4. The arrival of the ninth month of the year means the beginning of a new television season, with the return of series and programs that take a break in their broadcasts during the summer season.

What will happen on September 4

Spanish viewers can circle on the calendar Monday, September 4 as a designated night for television. We can enjoy three very prominent and expected options: the grand final of the Grand Prix, the return of La que se avecina and the return after the holidays of El hormiguero.

The grand finale of the Grand Prix

The summer show that has captured the attention of viewers on Monday nights for the past few months will end its fun competition on September 4. The grand finale of the program will be hosted by Ramón García, who will face the towns of Alfacar (Granada) and Aguilar del Campoo (Palencia). It will be broadcast on La 1 de TVE, and the winners will get a prize of 30,000 euros.

The return of La que se avecina

The most famous neighborhood community on television in Spain, with the permission of its predecessors from ‘Desengaño 21’, returns to Telecinco to broadcast its fourteenth season. From the direction of the program, new additions are ensured, in addition to maintaining some of the most mythical characters that have led this series to become one of the most famous in the history of television in our country.

The return of the anthill

The program directed by Pablo Motos has not skimped on his return after the summer holidays. Yosabel Pantoja will be the protagonist of the new season of El hormiguero on its opening nighta strong dish that until now, It is the most watched interview of the program on his previous visit. In addition, they have announced new additions to the show broadcast on Antena 3, such as comedian Leo Harlem.

It will undoubtedly be a historic night for television in Spain, in which three titans will compete to win the maximum audience. For the spectators, a night to enjoy with a lot of variety to choose from.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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