YouTuber dies after receiving wrong medical diagnosis

MIAMI.- At 36 years of age, youtuber Jessica Pettway died nine months after being diagnosed with cancer Cervical stage three. The unfortunate news was confirmed by several specialized media.

“The YouTube community is in mourning. Jessica Pettway, a YouTuber known for her beauty, fashion and lifestyle content, died on March 11 after a battle with stage three cervical cancer, her sister Reyni confirmed. Brown on social media. She was 36 years old,” he said. AND! News.

“Today is my birthday and the only thing I could wish for is for God to bring you back to this earth,” Reyni wrote in a March 15 Instagram post alongside a photo of her and Jessica. “I lost my beautiful sister “I was older two days ago and my heart had never felt pain like this.” Reyni went on to say that Jessica was the most incredible, strong, confident woman he had ever met and filled his life with so much wisdom. “Praying for me helped me become “in a better mother,” added the outlet, capturing said information published on Instagram.

Misdiagnosis of the youtuber

On July 31, 2023, Jessica Pettway shared on her networks the diagnosis of stage three cancer, which had previously been incorrectly treated as fibroids.

“I took these photos a few days ago and it’s currently my favorite photo. It makes me so happy to see how far I’ve come, because a few months ago I received devastating news: I was diagnosed with stage three cancer. I don’t even know where to start, but I want to to share why I’ve been away for so long, in the hopes that at least one person will feel encouraged by my story. So here goes…”, the YouTuber wrote.

“Last June I had heavy vaginal bleeding. And when I say heavy, I mean I was literally bleeding to death. I called and asked other women if they had experienced this before and most said yes. I thought, ‘Well, maybe this is it.’ something normal that women go through. I was experiencing extreme fatigue, weakness and just not feeling like myself. But again, I accepted this as a normal symptom that most women experience,” she added.


After that, Jessica Pettway narrated how she found out about the real problem she was facing.

“Well, on July 1, 2022 at 4:00 am my husband found me in the bathroom unresponsive and not breathing, I had literally passed away. I called Jess to bring me back and he came back. I was rushed to the hospital , where I was told that the extreme blood loss was due to fibroids. My gynecologist made it seem like something very normal and common. I didn’t think much of it, however I was passing clots the size of a placenta, which was really alarming. “They held me overnight and released me the next day. Fast forward to July 22, I was hospitalized again for the same thing. Once again, the medical professionals treated it as if it wasn’t that alarming since it was just a fibroid,” said.

“The bleeding finally stopped, but was replaced by labor-like pains. My life became so limited. On December 31, 2022, I started bleeding again and it wouldn’t stop. I was hospitalized again on January 7 and was there for a week. “They told me I couldn’t have surgery to remove this fibroid due to my lack of blood supply. My hemoglobin level was four. I had to receive 10 blood transfusions during my hospital stay. They recommended I have a biopsy.” , he added, later indicating that it was cancer.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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