Alessandro Lequio, to Carlo Costanzia: I do not defend or sell anyone

Everytime that Friday! broadcasts a program the ground shakes, the questions, far from being left without answers, find various versions and, as if that were not enough, A family threatens to break up. The format presented by Santi Acosta and Beatriz Archidona repeated the formula of ngel Cristo Jr. with Carlo Costanzia, son of Mar Flores and Carlo Costanzia. And it happened that on Friday he went to the set of misfortunes for the second time. The story of his appearances on television is, among other things, his comings and goings with Alessandro Lequio.

In his first time on the program, Costanzia opened the memory of his childhood on the channel and admitted the harshness of his childhood. My childhood was difficult, it is not happy. A childhood under the media spotlight subjugated to the entire press What could be done at that moment about my mother, about my father, about the separation between them, this very mediatic and dramatic separation that the two had, they explain, while at the same time He blamed this circumstance for finding an oasis in drugs that, in the end, became a fatal routine.

Give and take

His confession was followed by a barrage of responses from numerous collaborators from other formats. Among them, the Spanish-Italian count. He has been a problematic boy since he was very little. And all the people around you see that.said about his first interview, causing Mar Flores’ son, now that he saw the ball coming towards his field, to explode in his second appearance: None of that deserves a response from me. How sad it is that someone comes to bear witness to bullying and people who I don’t even know who they are want to dismantle it.

It didn’t stay there. How little delicacy. I hope that doesn’t happen to your children. I find it very funny that a guy like Lequio, who has sold my mother everywhere, wants to defend her or wants to say something or give his opinion about my life. That I have been problematic, when maybe I have seen it once in my lifeHe said, visibly hurt and with tears jumping from his eyelids, his eyelashes imitating a broken windshield wiper.


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    The actor has been upset with the Telecinco program by showing images from his past with statements from his parents.

After Costanzia regretted that his story of improvement has been responded to in such a way by people who try simply talk about what they have been fed since the 90s, Lequio’s final response has arrived. It has been in We’ll seea program in which he works as a regular collaborator. And it has been just as forceful.

Lequio’s last response

I understand perfectly that a son of Mar Flores does not like Alessandro Lequio, I assume what I have to do and I do not want to get into conflict with this boythe count began, to which he then added: I do not defend or sell anyone, I simply stand in solidarity with a woman and a man because both the father and the mother have had a very bad time and continue to do so. What happened, happened and what happened, happened.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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