He was a world star, but also one of the best friends of this German show legend…

My Harry Belafonte († 96) is one of the last greats. The heart of the singer (“Banana Boat”), actor, peace activist and fighter for justice stopped beating. With Belafonte goes the star of a golden age. A man who became known for his cool sayings: “First I came, then Elvis…”, but also for his big heart as a fighter for justice.

Actor Charlton Heston (from left) with author James Baldwin, actor Marlon Brando and singer Harry Belafonte in the 1960s

Foto: picture alliance / akg-images

The son of a Martinique ship’s cook and a Jamaican laborer, Harry was born in Harlem, New York, in 1927. Later he fought alongside civil rights activist and friend Martin Luther King († 39) for black rights, against the Vietnam War and against apartheid in South Africa.

Emmy and Oscar (honorary award): The trophies that Belafonte collected over the years shone. The “Golden Heart” of the BILD aid organization “A Heart for Children” was also in his New York office after the award ceremony in 2014. His close connection to Germany had to do with one of our great personalities.

This is how Harry and Joachim became close friends

Until his death in 2014, the entertainer from the USA and Joachim Fuchsberger († 87) were very close. “Harry and Blacky” – the two got along because they loved people. Close friends since the 70’s. The stars from two continents worked together for Africa.

Fuchsberger about his friend: “Sometimes I call him Harald for fun. There are few people to whom the world owes so much and forgets so quickly. Harry is a man who has done more for this planet than dozens of politicians. He experienced the war, he fought against the war. Having a friend like him is a gift.”

Old friends: Joachim

Old friends: Joachim “Blacky” Fuchsberger and Harry Belafonte at the “Golden Camera” award ceremony in 2010. At that time, the American surprised his German friend

Foto: picture alliance / ASSOCIATED PRESS

When both show legends were already over 80, Harry surprised his “Blacky” in 2010 when the “Golden Camera” was awarded in Germany. Kisses on stage included. Fuchsberger then: “I don’t cry much. But today I have to cry.”

Their friendship was already 30 years old at the event. They met each other on a Fuchsberger show. Belafonte only agreed when he heard that Joachim Fuchsberger proudly calls himself “Blacky”. Harry thought that was “smart” and said, “We Blackies have to stick together.”


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