Chavismo threatens to suspend repatriation of migrants after reactivation of sanctions

CARACAS- The official vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodriguezexpressed the possibility that the Maduro regime will suspend migrant repatriation flights, after the announcement about the reactivation of some sanctions imposed by United States to Venezuelain response to the political disqualification of the presidential candidate Maria Corina Machado.

“If they take the wrong step of intensifying economic aggression against Venezuela (…) as of February 13, repatriation flights for Venezuelan migrants would be immediately revoked”Rodríguez assured in his official profile on social networks.

Likewise, he assured that “they would review any existing cooperation mechanism as a countermeasure against the deliberate attempt to hit the Venezuelan oil and gas industry,” sectors that the US government warned of sanctioning in April if Machado’s disqualification is not revoked. .

Following Machado’s disqualification, the US announced that it will reactivate sanctions against the state mining company and the oil and gas sectors, unless the regime reverses Machado’s disqualification before mid-April.

Date of the presidential elections in Venezuela

On the other hand, the Parliament The ruling party called a consultation this Tuesday to propose a date for this year’s presidential elections.

“They say we have until April 18,” said the president of the illegitimate National Assembly, the Chavista leader Jorge Rodríguez, in the plenary session, highlighting “Save yourselves the time.”

State Department spokesman Matthew Miller announced earlier that “the United States will not renew the license” that provides relief to the oil and gas sector when it expires on April 18, 2024, a move that the Maduro regime called ” rude and improper blackmail.”

Rodríguez indicated that the consultation process will begin next Monday, February 5 and that the proposal that arises will be delivered to the National Electoral Council (CNE), which has the power to call elections.

“Our response must be to call everyone (…) for this coming Monday and together we prepare the electoral schedule, we call the presidential election, we take the proposal of all the people of Venezuela to the National Electoral Council,” he said. Rodriguez.

According to Rodríguez, everyone from presidential candidates and political leaders to businessmen, teachers and farmers will participate in the consultation.

“I believe, I suspect, that (the proposal) will be long before April 18 and by consensus all the people of Venezuela, for the first time in the history of Venezuela, will draw up the presidential electoral schedule,” he said.

The regime and the opposition signed an agreement in October for the elections to be held in the second half of the year with observation by the European Union.. Washington, very present in the talks, relaxed sanctions but made it conditional on the release of political prisoners and the establishment of electoral guarantees, including the authorization of opponents.

Source: EUROPA PRESS/AFP/ DLA Editorial Team

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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