A health worker explodes against Cristina Pedroche for her reflections on motherhood: Doctors do not study

Cristina Pedroche has been in the media spotlight for a few days after saying that she had done a casting for pediatricians. The television presenter defended that the system creates doctors who work all day and that, therefore, it is impossible for them to have time to train.

The statements of the queen of the Bells in El Hormiguero have been highly criticized by both society and professionals in the health sector. When not even a controversy had been forgotten, the Vallecana has created another of similar significance. In the podcast of Vicky Martín Berrocal, Dabiz Muoz’s wife has criticized the length of maternity leave.

The 16 week sick leave is shit. The thing is that it should be much longer and, above all, that each woman should choose what she wants. Because I also know women who after two months They feel bad because they want to go to work. And damn, it’s shit. Let women do what they want with their lives, she has defended.

Cristina Pedroche has become a model when it comes to making visible negative aspects of motherhood, such as the fears that arise or the complexity when managing emotions. Aware that caring for little Laia requires limiting her professional career, she admits that it is the price to pay. I try to normalize it. It seems that when six months pass and the children start eating solid food, your old life returns. And not.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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