Cuban American urges Dominicans to value their democracy and vote

MIAMI. -The apostle Cristina María Rodríguez Penton, a Cuban-American, defender of freedom and democracy, took as a reference the vicissitudes of her people in Cuba, Venezuela and other nations in the hemisphere, to exhort the dominicans to value their democracy and go to the polls to exercise their right to vote on Sunday, May 19.”

The religious leader regretted that in her homeland, Cuba, they cannot enjoy the privilege and right to democratic elections.

Rodríguez Penton, linked through her ministry to social, educational and anti-gender violence actions in the Hispanic community, has always maintained a close relationship with the diaspora of the Dominican Republic, a country she defines as “a paradise” with which she fell more in love. even after her recent trip where she participated as a guest at a conference on human rights and other topics.

In an interview with RoseMaryNews, the Christian leader sent a “greeting to the Dominican brothers so that this May 19, a special and unique day, they can determine the destiny of the nation, by voting in the elections.”

The Dominican community goes to the polls to elect its next president, vice president and legislators for the 2024-2028 government period, with a voter registry that amounts to 8 million 145,548 eligible voters to exercise the right to vote, including Dominicans who They live in Florida, New York and other cities in the United States, as well as in Europe and the Caribbean islands.

The nun, in her message, said that she longs to see these types of processes in Cuba one day and to value the democratic system that the Dominican Republic experiences.

“I don’t know if you are in the Dominican Republic or in Miami, but you give hope back to people like Cubans, Venezuelans who don’t have that possibility,” he said.

“Your vote determines a song of hope in the Dominican Republic and the roots of democracy in our region. Choose the best candidate, walk and continue walking in freedom. Thank you for the opportunity to promote democracy in the region,” he told this medium.

“I fell in love with the Dominican Republic, its food, its people and I do not want that place of hope and dreams to be lost, so you determine what is going to happen in the Dominican Republic and because you have that privilege and freedom to be able to go to vote and choose” the apostle concludes by blessing the country and each citizen.

DR elections in Miami

More than 400 thousand Dominicans in Florida will go to the polls this Sunday, May 19, from 7 in the morning to 4:00 pm, to exercise their right to vote in the presidential and legislative elections.

A total of 12 precincts spread across several counties are enabled in Florida to receive the personnel of 65 Electoral Colleges assigned by the Office of Coordination of Foreign Electoral Logistics, OCLEE, of the total of 16,726 at a general level, in these presidential and congressional elections. of the Dominican Republic.

The outreach office will be operating at the EB Hotel in Miami, from where the electoral bags are leaving for the process this Sunday, in which Dominican voters elect their new president for the next four years. The candidates competing for the presidency are: Luis Abinader for the PRM, Abel Martínez for the PLD and Leonel Fernández for Fuerza del Pueblo and its allied parties.

Human rights defender and educator

Cristina María Rodríguez Penton was born in Santa Clara, Cuba. She resides in Miami and is dedicated to social work and promotion of human rights.

It is part of different international organizations that work in unity for dignity and the defense of universal human rights.

Since 2006 he has been an apostle of the Mi Viña Church in Cuba, hosting and training more than 20 nations in the foundations of the kingdom of God.

She is president of the Ministry of Women to Women in Cuba, an organization currently called “From Woman to Woman” and “Man to Man”, dedicated to community work.

With an impact on an international scale, it advocates for democracy and the freedom of people, calling the church to become a social laboratory that interacts in society to bring solutions and be an instrument of justice in the midst of these difficult times that the world is experiencing. humanity.

Through the Lions Clubs and other organizations, it maintains strong ties with the Dominican community residing in Florida.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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