Edurne says goodbye to Got talent: It was a difficult decision

Edurne ends her time on Got Talent after ten seasons as a judge on the Telecinco program. It was the singer herself who announced the news through her social networks where she explained the reasons that led her to make this decision. The artist He assures that he feels that I have already given everything in the format and that he has decided to prioritize his musical career over his television career.

I come to tell you something important to me. After 10 unforgettable years, the next season of Got talent not being with the rest of my classmates enjoying the talent and magic, he begins by writing in his Instagram post.

It has been a difficult decision to make because This program has been for me one of the most special things I have done in my career. There I have learned and grown as a professional and as a person. I have cried, I have laughed, I have fought, I have danced. I feel so grateful to the program, to the producer and to the network for having given me space and cared for me as if they were my family, she adds.

The program’s most veteran judge says goodbye to what has been her longest television adventure, but not before having a few words of affection for the entire team: Thank you to all my fellow judges and Santi for making the experience even more beautiful. I take a little piece of each of them. And you, dear Risto, I can’t think of anyone better with whom to have shared so many moments in front of and behind the camera.. I love you.

A new stage

Always carry Got talent in your heart. And you, those who love that program so much, will always have my golden pass, says Edurne with a nod to the mechanics of the Telecinco contest. The artist affirms that she is beginning a new stage in which she will be focused on her new album that will soon be released. I feel that I have given everything I could give to the program and the audience and that now I need to give a more special space to my musiche concludes.

Risto’s words

After hearing about Edurne’s goodbye, Risto Mejide has taken the floor on his personal profile to dedicate a very special publication to his program partner with whom he has forged a great friendship. Yes, I know that TV is like that, that one day you’re there and the next you’re not. That this business is what it is. But what do you want me to tell you, there have been too many moments together. Hard moments and happy moments. Because we have lived through everything. Moments in which just by looking at each other we already knew what the other was thinking. Moments in which we held hands and transmitted that peace to each other, writes the television presenter.

I never thought that sitting at that table and looking to my right was going to allow me to discover such a wonderful person, a judge who was going to evolve so much and a colleague who would soon become a good friend. Missing so many things, but not to get too cheesy, I I envy whoever is lucky enough to work with you from now on and that, wherever you are succeeding, I will see you whenever I can and imagine a fight with of those arguments that we didn’t care about losing, and say in a low voice what I would have told you, he adds.

TV is like that, sometimes it gives you pure and wonderful friendships. As Julio sang, fly my friend, fly high, dear Edurne, don’t be a seagull in the sea. Risturne forever, says the publicist.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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