Filmmaker supports actress Itziar Ituo for participating in demonstration about ETA prisoners

MADRID.- The filmmaker Fernando Colomo considers it regrettable that any type of censorship is being reinstalled after the repercussions caused by the presence of the actress Basque Itziar Ituo in a demonstration for the rights of ETA prisoners on January 13.

The participation of the interpreter of The Money Heist o Privacy in the demonstration and the controversy that this has generated led BMW to disconnect its image from the actress, while Iberia withdrew an interview with her for one of its programs.

Position of the censored actress

“I find it regrettable that any type of censorship has been re-established. I don’t think he has done anything illegal, he has simply given his opinion, with which one can agree or not,” criticized the Madrid director in an interview with Europa. Press.

However, the director, screenwriter, producer and actor – who this Thursday received the Puente de Toledo Award for his career during the Opening Gala of the 42nd Carabanchel Spanish Film Week – recognized that this type of censorship has always existed and has called to overcome these things.

Fernando Colomo (Madrid, 1946) emphasized the excitement generated in him by the recognition of Carabanchel Week, a film event that he has known almost since it began 42 years ago, first as a spectator, since he lived near the Paseo de Extremadura cinema where he began filming. celebrated, and later as a filmmaker.

Director of To the south of Granada, Get down to the Moor o The joyful life, highlighted the enthusiasm for Spanish cinema that always accompanies this Week. “It is a contest that I have always had a lot of affection for, with very film-loving people, and also from a neighborhood as typical as Carabanchel,” he remarked.

FUENTE: Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

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