Florida, the best state to retire in 2024, according to study

MIAMI.- Upon reaching adulthood, The retirement It is an issue that generates concern, as it is the end of the financial security that work usually provides. Living in a pleasant place, with excellent living conditions and that is pocket-friendly can make retiring is more enjoyable.

In the United States, some states tend to be friendlier to retirees, according to a recent report from the personal finance website, WalletHub.

The study evaluated all 50 states in the country on 46 key retirement metrics, ranging from affordability, tax rates, cost of livingaccess to medical care and quality of life in general.

According to this analysis, Florida is the best state to retirewith a score of 62.19 points, despite having a fairly high cost of living compared to other states.

The “Sunshine State” occupies the top position, according to the report, due to their “relatively low” taxes for retirees.

Cost of living

The cost of living in Florida is much higher than in other states. However, this does not prevent it from being the most favorable state to retire.

In Miami, for example, a family of four needs an estimated $7,769 per month to live, while a single person requires at least $4,821 monthlyaccording to the economic newspaper Expansion.

A meal in an expensive part of the city costs around 27 dollarswhile in a fast food restaurant it ranges between 10 and 15 dollars. A kilogram of chicken breast has a value of approximately 10 dollars, 12 eggs have a cost of 9 dollars and the price of 500 grams of national cheese is around 10 dollars.

The value of a rental in the magical city has a value between $1,710a 45 m² furnished studio in a middle area, and $4,664an 85 m² furnished apartment in an expensive location.

In public services, a person living in a small studio can spend an average of $127 per month for light, water and electricity; $69 for 8 MBPS of Internet browsing.

In addition, you can pay $0.91 for a liter of gasoline, $173 for public transportation per month and $21 for an 8-kilometer taxi ride, at a basic rate.

In terms of health, the cost would be a minimum of $206 for a short visit to a private doctor$28 for a 12-dose box of antibiotics and $11 for six days’ worth of cold medicine.

Facts about Florida

In accordance with WalletHubthe cost of senior health care and employer services are lower than in most other states.

Aside from financial factors, the “sunshine state” provides a ideal environment for retirees, which is why it ranks first in quality of life. It has the second most coastal miles of any state, giving retirees the chance to relax on the beach.

It also ranks among the top states for adult volunteer activities, theater companies, golf courses and country clubs. “There are many ways for seniors to stay healthy and happy, which is reflected in the fact that Florida has one of the lowest death rates for people 65 and older in the country,” highlights the analyst. by WalletHub, Cassandra Happe.

The “sunshine state” is positioned as the first state with the proportion of population aged 65 or older, the ninth with the highest life expectancy for older adults and the thirteenth in annual cost of home services.

In addition, it is located in twenty-ninth place in health facilities per capita.

“Being retired brings freedom, but it is also a time of financial constraints, as many seniors live on a fixed income,” Happe notes.

For seniors to make the most of their retirement, he recommends retiring in a state where the cost of living and tax rates are friendly, if you have the resources to do so. “You should also consider factors like the quality of the state’s healthcare system and the abundance of activities you enjoy,” she adds.

The top 10 best states to retire are completed by:

  • Colorado.
  • Virginia.
  • Delaware.
  • Wyoming.
  • Idaho .
  • N.H.
  • Minnesota.
  • Montana.
  • Pennsylvania.


Source: With information from WalletHub

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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