Justin Timberlake: As a man, you are taught not to express emotions

Justin Timberlake It’s premiere. The singer joins Zane Lowe on Apple Music 1 for celebrate the launch of your new singleSelfishfresh from a live performance last weekend in Memphis, where they premiered the song.

An intimate topic, where he expresses his feelings. That’s the beauty of music. It’s like a container in itself to help us, as human beings, express ourselves. Even if you didn’t write it, you find the relationship with that emotion, this was what took me to the first single. When writing that song, the moment it happened was at two in the morning, a friend of mine, who is also my musical director, and who is probably a friend of the whole family there, Adam Blackstone, was doing these little nights. of jazz at a place in Los Angeles and he invited me to come and said: Hey, do you want to come up and sing something? And I randomly said, Oh yeah, let’s do Donny Hathaway’s version of Lennon’s Jealous Guy. By the way, if you’re a Gen-Zer right now, you have no idea who I’m talking about.

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  • The singer exposed one of the artist’s breasts in a decision that would end up affecting the victim more than the supposed organizer.

We talked about the song and the idea that men do not usually express emotions that make them vulnerable. Growing up like I did, they teach you not to do it. But I don’t know, it seemed like a very honest song to me. The lyrics began to come out sincere. When I listened to the entire album, I felt that, probably, of all the songs on the album, in terms of production, it was probably the simplest, and I don’t want to say simple because for me it is complex within its simplicity, he adds.


From 100 to 18 songs

This first single is included in his next project, Everything I Thought It Was. An album for which he recorded one hundred songs, which he later had to leave at eighteen. I think there are moments that are incredibly honest, but also, there’s a lot of fucking fun on this album. I think that’s where the title of the album came from, with everything he thought it was. I played it for the people around me. They said: Oh, this sounds like everything we know you for. And then another friend of mine was like, Oh, this sounds like everything I thought I wanted from you. It was like those types of phrases, one way or another, were in the air. I thought some of the songs are more introspective and others are more what I think people know me for..

I worked for a long time on this album and ended up with a hundred songs. So reducing them to eighteen was a challenge and now yes, I am very excited about this album. I think all artists say it, but It’s my best workhe adds.

And he confesses to being happy with the result: I feel very good about the thoughts, emotions and feelings that have arisen when writing these songs and with the people I have collaborated with. and with whom I have shared these moments. I feel like I’ve been able, in some of the songs, to look back and have a real, unrefracted perspective of what has been; because you always hear that there is never truth, there is only everyone’s perspective on what happened, but looking at it honestly and being able to metabolize and verbalize my perspective on it is something that I don’t think I’ve done before.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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