Laura Caballero, creator of The one that is coming, underwent cancer surgery

Laura Caballero has always been characterized by keeping her personal life in the strictest privacy despite her great impact as a scriptwriter for successful series such as La que se looming or Machos alfa, among others. However, Alberto Caballero’s sister wanted to break this secrecy to make known the health problem that he has recently gone through and that has led him to undergo surgery.

Bye, carcinoma, writes the also 46-year-old businesswoman, revealing that she has undergone cancer surgery. Along with this message, Laura Caballero publishes a photograph of a close-up of her face where you can see a scar on her neck. A health setback from which she is already recovering and which has caused numerous professional colleagues and friends to leave endless comments of support on her Instagram profile.

The screenwriter He didn’t want to go into too much detail. about the intervention so it is unknown when it took place or how he is after this medical setback.

Elena Ballesteros, Omar Surez, Edurne, Irene Villa, Cristina Cifuentes, Maribel Verd, Vanesa Romero, Michelle Calv or Mara Adnez, among the well-known faces of our country who have had a gesture of affection with Alberto Caballero’s sister. What incredible news!, writes Sara Slamo. The best news, neighbor, adds Ariadne Artiles.

What is a carcinoma

Carcinoma is a type of cancer that begins in the cells that line the inside or outside of a body organ, as revealed on its website by the Mayo Clinic. The most common thing is that it is treated with surgery that allows it to be removed completely, as well as part of the healthy tissue that surrounds it. It usually manifests itself as a slightly transparent lump, although it can take on other shapes over time. A few months ago, the popular content creator La Vecina Rubia also had to face a carcinoma from which she successfully recovered.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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