Players have placed Ezreal as one of the favorites in League of Legendsand it is that in addition to being one of the first champions, he has gone through many versions, in addition to having seen and survived the innumerable goals through which the game has passed.

ezreal What has consistently held up is his popularity as a champion, players love him, especially for his expressive skill set that allows good players to take him to the top.

Who is Ezreal?

Born in Piltover, Ezreal was the son of two renowned archaeologists. During his childhood, he always had a knack for exploring and wanted to go on adventures by himself. After his parents disappeared, he took it upon himself to find them, but while doing so, he stumbled across a shiny bronze gauntlet, which when he put it on, lined up with him.

From then on, Ezreal would go on adventures, his magical gauntlet in hand. In Summoner’s Rift, Ezreal is a slippery burst/thrust attack damage dealer, with his magical gauntlet in hand, destroying everything he needs on his adventuring path.

Ezreal’s abilities and gameplay

Ezreal is known for two things in League of Legends: Explosion and mobility. With the gauntlet equipped on him, he can fire long-range abilities, while combining them to deal devastating damage that can catch enemies off guard.

While in lane, Ezreal’s main focus is farming while taking down his enemies. His laning phase isn’t too awesome and he often relies on a support or jungler to help block enemies to take them down.

Often in teamfights, Ezreal wants to play the back line, firing off skill shots to slowly break through the front line. That said, skilled Ezreal players will know his combo and damage well enough to dive in and finish off enemies, landing vital takedowns for his team.

  • Passive: Rising Spell Strength: Ezreal’s attack speed is increased each time he successfully hits a spell, stacking up to 5 times.
  • Q: Mystic Shot: Ezreal fires a damaging energy bolt that slightly reduces all of his cooldowns if it hits an enemy unit.
  • W: Essence Flux: Ezreal fires an orb that attaches to the first champion or target hit. If Ezreal hits an enemy with the orb, it detonates and deals damage.
  • E – Arcane Change: Ezreal teleports to a nearby target location and fires a bladed beam that strikes the nearest enemy unit. He prioritizes enemies stuck with Essence Flux.
  • A: Trueshot Barrage: Ezreal finishes before firing a powerful energy barrage that deals massive damage to each unit it passes through (damage reduced for minions and non-epic monsters).

Best builds for Ezreal

At the moment, Ezreal can have three different builds depending on what style you want to play him with.

Ezreal’s Explosion

You can optimize for a heavier burst build, which works well against softer targets that allow him to deal ridiculously high damage, this often involves using items like Duskblade of Draktharr and Essence Reaver to charge up his damage.

Ezreal’s Blast Build:

  • Starting Element: Teardrop or Doran’s Blade
  • Boots: Ionian Boots of Lucidity
  • essence reaver
  • Draktharr’s Twilight Blade
  • muramana
  • Serylda’s grudge
  • ravenous hydra

Essence Reaver, Duskblade, and Muramana are your key items here, they allow your combo to deal immense damage in a short amount of time.

ezreal comet

Going for a Kite Ezreal build revolves around using his Q to slowly push back his enemies, this is a pretty consistent damage build and involves needing to land Q consistently to reduce his cooldowns. His burst is much less on this build, but he can keep the damage pumping continuously.

Ezreal Kite Construction:

  • Starting Item: Doran’s Sword
  • essence reaver
  • kraken slayer
  • Navori Quick Blades
  • Serylda’s grudge
  • Ravenous Hydra or Frozen Heart

This build scales when you have 3 items, instead of building a Muramana to maintain mana, you will be relying on Essence Reaver’s mana generation to build abilities. Once you hit 60% crit, you’ll be able to use Navori Quickblades, which, like Ezreal’s Q, will reduce the cooldown of other abilities. This synergy is what this entire build is based on, and you will notice a substantial difference when the elements work together.

poke ezreal

Poke Ezreal is a bit of both worlds, granting a good chunk of burst while also allowing you to deal decent damage while backing up. This build is probably considered the most traditional of builds and has been Ezreal’s most used build in the past.

Build Poke Ezreal:

  • Starting Item: Tear of the Goddess or Doran’s Sword
  • Trinity Force or Divine Sunderer
  • muramana
  • Serylda’s grudge
  • ravenous hydra
  • Maw of Malmortius or Frozen Heart

Poke Ezreal relies on Trinity Force or Divine Sunderer’s glow processes to take out enemies. Generally speaking, this will come from your Q hitting enemies, but it can also come from an auto attack if you go for a bigger combo. This is the most flexible version of Ezreal and definitely makes Ezreal feel like a wizard.

The best runes for Ezreal

As before, Ezreal’s runes can go 3 different ways. These rune builds should work in conjunction with item builds for maximum effectiveness.

  • Ezreal’s Runeburst

Burst Ezreal requires a more specific rune set than the others, as First Strike as a keystone is needed to give Ezreal that extra damage and also to farm him with so much gold.

  • Press the attack runes

Both Kite and Poke Ezreal can run Press The Attack well, and thus it’s a matter of personal preference and situation.

Hit the Attack Runes for Ezreal to allow his lane phase to be a bit stronger, while also giving him some nice bonus damage after he can auto/Q the same enemy 3 times. Pressing Attack is generally better for short operations, but can fail later in the game.

As before, Kite and Poke Ezreal can run Conqueror as an alternative to Press the Attack.

Conqueror gives Ezreal more attack damage and also heals through a fight. Needing to stack up to 12 times before fully procting, Conqueror is for longer trades and is therefore a little harder to pull off in lane. However, Conqueror is great in long teamfights, where Ezreal can activate it before the fight and keep the buff.

Ezreal skins in League of Legends

  • Nottingham Ezreal (Legacy) – 520 RP
  • Striker Ezreal (Legacy) – 520 RP
  • Icy Ezreal – 520 RP
  • Scout Ezreal (Legacy) – 750 RP
  • Pulsefire Ezreal – 3250 RP
  • TPA Ezreal (Legacy) – 750 RP
  • Elegant Ezreal – 750 RP
  • Ace of Spades Ezreal – 750 RP
  • Arcade Ezreal – 1350 RP
  • Star Guardian Ezreal – 1350 RP
  • SSG Ezreal (Legacy) – 1350 RP
  • Pajama Guardian Ezreal – 1350 RP
  • Battle Ezreal Academy – 1820 RP
  • PsyOps Ezreal – 1350 RP
  • Prestige PsyOps Ezreal – Mythic Essence Exclusive
  • Porcelain Protector Ezreal – 1820 RP
  • General Ezreal Tips and Tricks

Use of essence flux

While playing Ezreal, make sure you use your W: Essence Flux well. Since Essence Flux sticks to a champion and doesn’t deal damage, it means you can trigger it with another ability for a big burst. This is particularly important in Burst Ezreal.

Tear of the Goddess Stacking

If you currently have a Tear of the Goddess, make sure to continually stack it throughout the match. Landing abilities like Q: Mystic Shot and W: Essence Flux on champions will grant the most charges. Make sure you do this consistently throughout the match, as having a fully stacked Muramana is a huge boost for Ezreal.

Use of mystic shot

Use your Q well and often, Ezreal’s Q is incredibly strong due to the fact that it reduces the cooldown of other abilities. Casting Mystic Shots is important, as a lot of your damage output depends on it. You can almost think of it as being Ezreal’s auto attack in a way.


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