You are currently viewing Lucky Hank: Bob Odenkirk (Better Call Saul) returns in a cynical and funny series

After the end of Better Call Sauland after suffering a heart attack during the filming of the 6th and final season, Bob Odenkirk finds a role suited to him in the skin of a misanthropic professor in Lucky Hank, an 8-episode series, available Tuesday September 19, on the OC Streaming platform. In the casting of this new fiction, Bob Odenkirk (William Henry Devereaux, Jr.) opposite Mireille Enos (Lily Devereaux), Cedric Yarbrough (Paul Rourke), Diedrich Bader (Tony Conigula), Olivia Welch (Julie Devereaux), Sara Amini (Meg Quigley), Suzanne Cryer (Gracie DuBois), Nancy Robertson (Billie), Arthur Keng (Teddy), Alvina August (June), Haig Sutherland (Finny) and Shannon DeVido (Emma).

Lucky Hank : what is the new fiction about which stars Bob Odenkirk (breaking Bad, Better Call Saul) ?

Chair of the English department at a University of Pennsylvania, Professor Hank Devereaux Jr. is not one to keep his opinions to himself. The problem is that this teacher who is in the middle of an existential crisis is a real misanthrope. His scathing retort draws the wrath of his colleagues but also that of his wife (Mireille Enos), who is much more optimistic and conciliatory in nature. In class, while one of his students is reading one of his writings, Hank mentally prepares his shopping list and is confronted by his students for not having uttered a single word for an hour and a half, this the latter does not hesitate to describe the university in which he presides as “capital of mediocrity“. This time, has he gone too far?

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Lucky Hank : should you watch the new series which stars Bob Odenkirk?

Attacking the faults of society, not through an angry statement draped in false indignation, but under the cover of humor and by means of acerbic dialogues, that is the rather brilliant approach of this series, the credits of which are absolutely delicious. Through his very angry and most of the time deeply miserable hero – it is in this sad state that the heroes of series are the most interesting – but who prefers to take out his nerves on others than on himself – “Hell is other people“, the subtitle quite aptly states – Lucky Hank asserts some truths which are not always pleasant to hear, but prove liberating. “Being an adult is 80% misery“, “You still don’t believe in merit, do you? The world is unfair, a few acts of kindness won’t change anything.”, the lines spoken by this free-wheeling professor, who, although not kind and polite, is in all cases lucid, are food for thought. Cynical and funny, this series takes you into his world from the first minutes crazy and in the slightly sick mind of his hero, who is precisely not one and that is what makes him, deep down, so sympathetic.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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