Monologue Walt lied to me uses humor to reflect on adulthood

MIAMI.- Under the direction of Dairo Pieres, the Venezuelan actress Sandra Villanueva presents Walt lied to me, the magical world does not existand money logo loaded with humor, history and reflection about two stages of life: childhood and adulthood.

Through the magical world of Disney and its characters, Villanueva contrasts the reality of adults with the idealized dream world that occurs in childhood.

“Walt lied to me, the magical world does not exist It is a work for adults, it is not a work for children at all. It arose because when you have small children you soak up that entire magical world of princes, princesses, characters. As parents we save a lot of money to take the children to Disney, but when it is there, a lot of very funny anecdotes begin to emerge that are worth telling in a monologue. For example, I joke: ‘When I was on a boat, Disney music played all day… and when you get off that boat you’re kind of violent, stunned,'” he declared in an interview with Ronda also a journalist.

A monologue with the history of the Venezuelan economy

In addition to humor, Villanueva brings up a fact from Venezuelan history: the economy of the 70’s and 80’s, when the South American country was considered a rich nation by occupying second place on the continent with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP). ) per capita at 184% of the region’s average, according to an essay by economist Francisco Rodríguez Caballero, published in UCAB Magazines.

“I said: ‘let’s mix these anecdotes with a little humor and a little history,’ because the play begins with the famous Black Friday of the 80s, when we Venezuelans ran out of cheap ‘ta’, give me two” – I lived it very little – and the bolivar was devalued because there was a time, gentlemen, when the bolivar had the same value as the dollar; although you may not believe it, we did not need a visa to go to the United States. When we arrived in “They laid out a red carpet for us in that country because we Venezuelans spent money and suddenly a day came called Black Friday, everything went to hell and the magical world was transformed,” explained Sandra Villanueva.

“So, (the monologue) begins with a bit of history where this girl – which was me – the magical world collapses and my whole world of princesses, princes, you begin to grow and it becomes a different story,” he added. the actress, who wrote and produced the theatrical proposal.

For those who are in Venezuela, the piece can be enjoyed on February 16, 17 and 18 in the main hall of the Trasnocho Cultural Theater. The entries of Walt lied to me, the magical world They are for sale in and at the theater box office.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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