About a month ago there were some notices around the closing days in Russia from Nintendo and from the suspension of the vendors from Nintendo Switch, with a scelta to “indeterminate tempo” Following the geopolitical controversy that Hanno Sancito started the war conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

A distance from some settimane of the face, which has also been reported by the cessation of the video game vendor and DLC in Russia from the Nintendo eShop, the Grande N si è posta nuevo sulla questionerilasciando alcune dichiarazioni circa l’esistenza di alcune Aziende che importano i prodotti del marcho Nintendo sul suolo russo. In particular, the Giapponese company is publicly dissociated from all its commercial operations in its territory that it has reported via the international port dispute.

Nintendo has affirmed that they are not affiliated with such commercial hands, pur essendo però a conoscenza di quanto stia accadendo. Il tutto, being fully reported by GamesIndustry, was born from the news that the name of the director general of Nintendo Russia, Yasha Haddaji, is related to the company “Achivka” for the importation of products in the country.

Secondly, as reported by the Russian Stamp Agency Kommersant, Haddaji Avrebbe funded the company in December 2022 and will not be the owner of the maggioranza delle quote di partecipazione aziendali. Own per questo, for maintaining the income of selling my own products in Russia, Nintendo has caught the distance from what che sembrerebbe star accadendo lì, both da dare il via ad una shutdown of the operations of the Russian wire company of the company. Inoltre, i dependenti dell’ufficio di Mosca have concluded any vincolo contractuale with the company of Kyoto.

At the moment l’intera face is in divine And not if it is null around the presence of Haddaji on the Nintendo line. However, if I attend no further information regarding the collaboration of the CEO of Nintendo Russia with the parent company.


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