Corruption is the root of all Ecuador's problems

QUITO. The former president of Ecuador and current deputy Lucio Gutiérrez speaks out about the president’s recent decisions Daniel Noboaassures that these confirm that “before Correa we were better.”

“Presi Noboa’s correct decisions confirm that before Correa we were better off, we have lost 20 years of development, we are once again asking for Judicial Past, Extradition of criminals, Hourly Work, Commercial Agreements that we had in my government. Manta Base is missing,” he wrote the former president who governed Ecuador between 2003 and 2005.

The former president does not mention specific examples of these decisions, in his account on the social network internal armed force” that authorizes the Armed Forces to confront the belligerent groups with all the force and capacity, even lethal, that have unleashed violence in Ecuador in recent days.

A situation that worsened on Tuesday, January 9, when a group of armed and hooded men broke into the set of TC Televisión, in Guayaquil, and took journalists and other employees hostage. Likewise, at the headquarters of the University of Guayaquil, another group threatened teachers and students with the same violence.

Proposals by Lucio Gutiérrez

Faced with this panorama of violence, the former president calls for the implementation of a “Judicial Past”, a legal mechanism that allows officials to be investigated and tried for alleged acts of corruption and violence. He demands the extradition of those who are fugitives from Ecuadorian justice, allegedly linked to the Correa government.

The former president proposes making the labor market more flexible through hourly work, a measure that he implemented during his government. He also remembers the trade agreements that were had during his mandate, especially with the United States, which he believes should be resumed.

Finally, Gutiérrez mentions the lack of the Manta Base, a US military installation that operated in Ecuador until 2009, a fundamental tool for the fight against drug trafficking and terrorism with Correa decided to end after 11 years of agreement, signed in the era of former president Jamil Mahuad.

Gutiérrez’s statements occur in a context of strong political polarization in Ecuador. In addition to the scenario of violence and drug trafficking that prevails in the country.

For its part, Daniel Noboa’s government shows an openness to dialogue with the opposition, which generates expectations of a possible rapprochement between the parties.

(email protected)

Source: Social network account X, formerly Twitter, of former president Lucio Gutierrez, RFI, BBC Mundo, France 24

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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