Pedro Piqueras' plans after retiring: Return to reporting

less than a month ago, Pedro Piqueras put an end to his unmatched and enviable career as a journalist which began in 1973 in the newspaper Pueblo. 51 years in the profession, of which 35 have been on television. News telecincowhere he stayed for 18 years, was the place where he wrote his last chapters as a communication professional.

The last dance of the Albacete journalist thrilled the audience of the main Mediaset network. He remembered his origins, publicly asked times of less tension, more justice and more happiness and praised his successor, Carlos Franganillo. I am very grateful to everyone who has taught me this trade and to you for allowing me to enter your home. The time has come to leave and thank the directors of the network, with whom I have tried to make news programs based on respect for the facts and the opinions of the protagonists (…) Carlos comes from the great school of public television and joins this house where he will find great colleagues.He said, visibly excited.

Piqueras has returned to television, but for a few minutes. The former presenter was on the set this Wednesday TardeAR to share with Ana Rosa Quintana How is your first month as a retiree going? His family, led by his wife, Esther Barriga, and his children, has become his new routine.

A privilege that he has not been able to enjoy regularly because of television. This week I had a beer with my son at eight, something I couldn’t do before. It’s good to know how to say goodbye, you have to value your free time and the people you love..

Despite closing a cycle of more than half a century, The man from La Mancha hinted that he would like to continue being linked to the world of journalism through reporting with his camera.just as he did in his beginnings as a professional in the newspaper Pueblo. Go back to reporting Who knows! Or documentaries, who knows?.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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