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Before the pension reform, Macron asks his ministers “not to give in to the professionals of fear”

For his first Council of Ministers of 2023, Emmanuel Macron sent his message to the government.

“We must not give in to the professionals of misfortune and the conjuration of sad spirits”, advanced the president according to information from BFMTV.

Elisabeth Borne for her part asked members of the government to “resist the headwinds”.

The entrance to Matignon covered in paint by environmental activists

Activists from Last Renovation covered the Matignon door with paint this Wednesday noon, in the middle of government back-to-school day. The method aims to denounce “the government’s climate inaction”.

We explain to you here what this collective is which has multiplied the actions of civil disobedience in recent months.

“Who could have predicted the climate crisis?”: for Véran, Macron is “fully aware” of global warming

The president has been widely criticized after wondering during his vows “who could have predicted the climate crisis”.

“We have a President of the Republic and ministers fully aware” of global warming, said Olivier Véran during his press briefing.

In the event of a “difficult job, you will retire earlier”, promises Olivier Véran

The executive wants to reassure before January 10 and the presentation of the pension reform.

“In the event of a difficult job, you will retire earlier,” said the government spokesperson.

Véran evokes “a legitimate concern” in the face of the strong wave of Covid in China

Olivier Véran justified the implementation of tests on arrival on French territory for travelers from China, evoking a “legitimate concern” in the face of the strong epidemic outbreak following the lifting of measures in connection with the Zero policy. Country covid.

“It is a common sense measure to protect our fellow citizens and that we take without batting an eyelid”, justified the government spokesperson.

For his first Council of Ministers of the year, Macron asked ministers to “stay tuned to the French”

The government is trying to ease tensions a few days before the announcement of the pension reform.

“The president asked us to be bold and to listen to the French,” assured Olivier Véran.

MEPs will work on pension reform in early February

Olivier Véran clarified this Wednesday morning the timetable for the pension reform. The deputies will seize the text “at the beginning of February”.

“By the first half of the year, the law will be passed,” said the government spokesperson.

For the return of ministers, Elisabeth Borne asks the government to “resist the headwinds”

For her first Council of Ministers of the year, Elisabeth Borne called on the government to “resist the headwinds” in an inflammable social context.

“The risk of cuts seems to be on the decline”: for his first press briefing of the start of the school year, Véran reassures

Olivier Véran begins his first press briefing of the year.

“The latest indicators are rather reassuring,” said the government spokesperson, considering that “the risk of power cuts seems to be receding”.

“It can blow up the countryside”: why the government is accelerating to help bakers

Accused by the opposition of not doing enough, the government is beefing up its measures to help bakeries in great difficulty.

While the return to social life promises to be at high risk, between pension reform and the call for yellow vests, the executive wants to avoid coalescing discontent.

We explain here why Bercy is following the bakers’ file very closely.

Back to school: after a breakfast at the Interior, the ministers go to the Elysée

Following a tradition launched under Gaston Deferre in 1982, the ministers shared coffee and croissants at the Ministry of the Interior. They are heading towards the Élysée, a few meters from Place Beauvau for the first Council of Ministers.

Pensions, immigration, inflation, energy… The timetable for the government’s explosive return to school

The executive is preparing to face a month of January under very high tension. Elisabeth Borne, who received part of the unions on Tuesday and is still continuing her consultations today, will present the pension reform next week against which the social partners will mobilize.

Before trying to convince on immigration and on energy, two politically highly inflammable subjects against a backdrop of record price increases.

If you have not followed the explosive files that await the government, we summarize everything here.

For their return, the ministers have breakfast on Place Beauvau before joining the Élysée

To meet again after a few days of break for the Christmas holidays, the members of the government began their day at Place Beauvau for the traditional back-to-school breakfast at the Ministry of the Interior, hosted by Gérald Darmanin.

At 10 a.m., the government team will then walk to the Élysée Palace, located opposite, to send their wishes to Emmanuel Macron and then participate in the Council of Ministers.

Finally, Olivier Véran will give his first press briefing of the year where he will discuss the issue of pensions, the reform of which will be unveiled on January 10th.

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Welcome to this live policy of January 4 to follow the government back to school.


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