Roco Monasterio, to Ayuso: He is more concerned about Mbapp's tax status than the people of Madrid

For a few weeks now it has been known weakening of the relationship between Vox spokesperson, Roco Monasterioand the Madrid president, Isabel Diaz Ayuso, making public their discomfort with each other. Now, the leader of Vox has reproached to the Madrid Government of Isabel Díaz Ayuso who is more concerned about Mbapp’s tax status approving taxation that benefits those who come from outside than those from Madrid themselves.

This statement has taken place during the control session which is celebrated this morning in the Madrid Assemblyin which the Madrid president has insisted that Santiago Abascal’s training has served to complicate governability in the center right and that, in addition, a new campaign against the PP will now begin.

The baptized Mbapp Law It is an initiative proposed by the Ayuso Government that proposes deduct 20% of the autonomous section for new taxpayers who establish their residence in the Community. A measure that has been criticized by Roco Monasterio because, in his opinion, leave aside the taxation of the middle class or those of Madrid. Our children cannot afford to buy a home because it means 80% effort of your salary to rent, says the spokesperson.

About the sanction without pay

Furthermore, the Vox spokesperson has taken advantage of her intervention to request to the Board of the Regional Chamber that cancel the sanction of fifteen days without pay which was imposed after issuing a fraudulent double vote during the plenary session on February 1. Along these lines, he claims that The seat I tried to turn off should never have worked..

This is a sanction for attacking the dignity of the Madrid Chamber, which is why Monasterio has always defended that Ayuso has always been behind this decision. Since then, the relationship between both leaders has done nothing more than get cold and tense in every meeting they share in official institutions.

Finally, today Vox has registered in the Assembly a reconsideration letter against the sanctionensuring that the parliamentary group has learned through internal investigations that the voting system for deputies can be modified manuallysomething that was not explained to Vox when this group requested background information on similar situations.

Ayuso’s response

On the other side of the coin, Isabel Diaz Ayuso has recriminated Monasterio for inciting the class strugglesomething that Podemos and Más Madrid did a lot, and is now joining from the other parliamentary arc, has pointed out in reference to the criticisms of the Vox leader of the tax policies favorable to the foreign population.

Furthermore, Díaz Ayuso has criticized that in the control sessions the parliamentary groups in the Madrid Chamber are dedicated to making questions that do not delve into anythingaccording to current events, and so make the chamber a television set. In this way, he has made it ugly that Vox seems to have forgotten the multiple pacts of convenience throughout the territory between PP y Voxthus complicating a center-right government.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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