Senior deserters ask former colleagues to end the regime

MIAMI.- For the 65th anniversary of the Cuban ‘revolution’ next January 1st, six of the most important dissident officers in the history of the regime They issue a warning about the threat it represents, Archivo Cuba reported in a statement.

Likewise, they call on their former colleagues to put an end to “the corrupt tyranny that subjugates the Cuban people and plunges them into misery.”

They sign the unusual missive who were a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and former Chief of Staff of Raúl Castro, a Brigadier General of the Armed Forces, three senior officers of the Intelligence Directorate and a Lieutenant Colonel of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of the Interior who requested the resignation of Fidel Castro.

They all reside outside Cuba having broken with the dictatorship and some of them are sentenced to death for alleged “treason to the country.”

Public letter for the end of the regime in Cuba

The signatories of the public letter warn that Cuba It has a large number of spies and agents of influence who have been recruited in many countries. They maintain that in the United States the recent indictment of former ambassador Manuel Rocha and the previous prison sentences of senior officials are the tip of the “iceberg” and not isolated cases. They are the result of decades of work whose exponential returns, they point out, are difficult to imagine.

Likewise, the six insiders of the regime denounce that the Cuban intelligence services direct the narrative that seeks to minimize the international influence of the regime and the damage caused by Cuban agents. They point out that the motivations of the latter are exalted without mentioning that they defend a totalitarian military regime that has destroyed the nation.

“We urge educational institutions to objectively teach the history of communism and the Cuban revolution, the impact of Cuban internationalism and the advance of Marxism.” “We urge educational institutions to objectively teach the history of communism and the Cuban revolution, the impact of Cuban internationalism and the advance of Marxism.”

The renowned defectors urge democratic governments to, among others, dedicate adequate counterintelligence resources to effectively neutralize the Cuban intelligence services, control the accreditation of Cuban diplomats, optimize the evaluation of security clearances, adequately prepare government officials and warn about surveillance, blackmail and recruitment of Cuban services.

They also urge the United States government to “carefully evaluate the impact caused by Rocha in his long career as an agent of Cuba.”

Finally, the former Cuban officers call on their former colleagues to, just as they did, break the chains to put an end to the dictatorship and defend a true democracy in which the sovereign people can “build the prosperous society they deserve.” “.

Letter from former officials of the Cuban regime


Source: Cuba Archive

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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