A space for inclusion was opened by the activist with severe cerebral palsy Daniel Robles in the morning on March 16, where the native of Zapopan, Jalisco, presented to AMLO two specific proposals to ensure the rights to education and the use of public spaces for people with disabilities.

Does it beat you if we talk to you about the two proposals by Daniel Robles Haro? The truth is that his intervention in the morning It helped make visible —yes, at a national level— one of the many situations that people with disabilities go through and the changes that need to be made to guarantee their rights.

Photo: @DanielRoblesMEX

(In addition to Daniel Robles and his family reminding us of the importance of naming with the correct concepts).

The 2 proposals that Daniel Robles, an activist with a disability, made in the morning

Basically, Daniel Robles’ proposals were: put bathrooms with changing tables that serve people with disabilities, children and older adults.

And the other: to help promote inclusive education with the incorporation of alternative communication systems in the next free textbooks of the SEP.

Photo: Rogelio Morales-Cuartoscuro.

Regarding the first proposal, Daniel Robles explained that it is already a fact in Zapopan. And now, his goal is for other cities and states to include changing tables in their bathrooms.

All by changing the Regulation of Accessibility Recommendations for Public Spaces to add universal size changing tables in bathrooms. A matter of urban accessibility, empathy and will, emphasized Daniel Robles.

Photo: Presidency-Daniel Robles.

On textbooks, the activist and contributing columnist for Me too explained to AMLO that the idea is to design boards that are like a catalog of images in which each pictogram is a word or a concept—and include them in the next free textbooks.

This allows, for example, boys and girls with the autism spectrum to communicate, helping them to express their ideas.

Photo: Presidency-Daniel Robles.

The answer

For now, AMLO responded with this: that the Secretary of Education respond to the request and, in turn, answer what’s up with Daniel Robles’ initiative.

Photo: Rogelio Morales-Cuartoscuro.

What about changing tables in the bathrooms of public buildings and facilities? According to AMLO, this can start in CDMX. The plan is for Claudia Sheinbaum to get in touch with Daniel Robles and they start working on the proposal.

In addition to the fact that upcoming participations of the activist in the morning are pending, with the aim of further opening the conversation about inclusion in that space.

correct use of words

Regarding the participation of Daniel Robles, he and his family reminded us of the importance of the correct use of words and concepts.

Photo: Rogelio Morales-Cuartoscuro.

That is, referring to people with disabilities just as they are, as people with disabilities —not disabled. And that is how the Robles family asked AMLO to help them spread the correct term. “that passes from disabled to people with disabilities”.

Who is Daniel Robles Haro?

Daniel Robles is a collaborator of the foundation Me too. His story and activism sounded good in networks when the activist with severe cerebral palsy posted a thread on Twitter recounting the work that he it cost to process your electronic signature in the SAT.

In the end, thanks to the presentation of his case and the collaboration of the SAT itself, Robles Haro managed to process his electronic signature, but he also explained how much we need to work on inclusion issues and protocols to narrow the path for people with disabilities are included, in a real way, in social, economic and daily life. HERE you can read the story.

And here we leave you the intervention of Daniel Robles in the morning of March 16, they catch it from 1:08:57:


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