The firefighter embodies a vocation with commitment

MIAMI.– International Firefighter’s Day is May 4. The choice of this anniversary coincides with the European festival of Saint Florian, martyr and patron of Poland and patron of firefighters.

“This saint is generally represented with a bucket of water in his hand, in allusion to the story of the fire that he put out alone. There are other stories that also consider the possibility that Saint Florian formed a group of Roman soldiers specialized in putting out fires. “, records acipressa.

The role of firefighters is to fight fire and assist victims of accidents. The name of those also known as “Heroes in Blue”, is derived from the term “bomb”, since it was common for, to mitigate a fire, water to be obtained from a river or well located in the vicinity of the event, using a pump. hydraulics.

The origin of fire departments is located in the Roman Empire: firefighters can be volunteers, who serve in their free time, or salaried, when they belong to security forces.

The Organization of American Firefighters (OBA) is the largest international cooperation organization among firefighting institutions in the world. This organization highlights the value social of the firefighter vocation.

The objectives of the OBA focus on ensuring that “all firefighting organizations on the continent have excellent training, updated technology and high work standards, so that each firefighter can respond efficiently and safely to the requirements of their community and reduce the risk of disasters.

Fire prevention

Firefighters also provide guidance on the measures to follow to prevent fires. This involves some key behaviors:

  • Store flammable products in ventilated, labeled places and away from heat sources.
  • Train for the effective management of industrial equipment that generates heat and portable burners.
  • Maintain high humidity in operations that generate static electricity.
  • Apply fireproofing chemicals, their products or derivatives to the wood.


Source: Acipensa / Organization of American Firefighters (OBA) / International Day Portal

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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