By the time our succulents commercial products do not work, but there are certain home remedies, easy to prepare that will help plants grow healthy and lush.

One of the keys when it comes to fertilizing our succulents is choosing the simplest and most productive methods. For this, we will not have to look far from the kitchen because many of the nutrients for succulents they are there.

The land that is used is an important fact.

The key to success in caring for succulents is heto regular fertilization with low but constant doses of nutrients. For our green friends to thrive, kitchen scraps can be used.

One of the best examples is to use banana peels. In this case, they can be finely chopped, mixed with soil, and added directly to the potting mix of the succulent plants. It is a slow release fertilizer.

Do not overdo it with fertilizer because it can damage the roots.

It is also very useful for our garden make a homemade fertilizer with eggshells or what is left in the filter when we make coffee. Both materials can be dried, ground, and added to potting mix for added nutrients.

It is important to clean the eggshells, then crush or soak them in water overnight before adding them to the potting mix. Regarding coffee, it can be used directly or soaked in water and only then added to the soil.

If they are small, nutrients will have to be added for their development.

special creation

It is also highly recommended by experts in succulents Combine kitchen scraps and dry materials to create a homemade compost. The key is to apply a small but regular dose. This is advised because too many nutrients can damage the roots.

To take care of them and keep them healthy, they must be fertilized frequently.

Another alternative is to use compost to fertilize them. A tea can be made from compost or cow or horse manure to fertilize. To make it with manure, it will have to be soaked in water overnight to make a tea that can be used for watering.


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