Although many people think so, did you know that turmeric and saffron are not the same thing? So it is! Confusion can happen because turmeric is also called saffron. So it’s important to know what’s so special about seasoning.

But it is not new that the search for health benefits, especially in spices, has been growing in Brazil. And those who know the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential of turmeric love it right away!

In addition to being very beneficial, the seasoning is still versatile in the kitchen. That is, it is possible to use it in the most varied types of dishes and drinks. When you get to know all the advantages of consumption, you’ll want to include it in everything, we guarantee it.

After checking out how to use basil, sage, thyme, oregano, fennel and mint in the kitchen, now see the benefits of turmeric and learn how to use it in tasty and healthy recipes.

Learn more about it on the website Kitchen Guidepartner of metropolises.

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