That the world of online video games is also characterized by the presence of a negative user segment, accustomed to strong phenomena of hating, is a known and fought phenomenon even from the video game industry itself that has stood up against toxic fans. One exponent that has taken a big step in this direction is Ubisoft.

According to what was reported by the BBC, the Customer Relationship Center of the Transalpine company’s Newcastle office is helping to fight online toxicity by employing over two hundred employees for a close collaboration with the authorities. This is a rather important initiative, which follows Ubisoft’s previous attempts to stem the problem of unhealthy users on the network.

However, this “change of course” in the direction of a “cleaner” digital world could be great news for Ubisoft itself and beyond. The source, in fact, claims that the company will quickly pass on the most serious cases of toxicity via online media to Northumbria Police. “The police are constantly changing, the needs evolve and the challenges are always different”said Chief Superintendent of Police Deborah Alderson.

Over the years, the cases that have seen the involvement of the competent authorities have been very few: we are talking about 1/10,000 cases, even if the police are forced to intervene several times over the course of an entire calendar year. The basic idea, however, is to proceed to a further level of control, which is not limited to the more common action of banning the offending online hating account. On the other hand, the harassment of gamers is a problem to be paid attention to at 360 degrees.


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