Unusual massive purchase of cereals in Hialeah supermarket surprises customers

Customers caused astonishment in a supermarket Hialeah due to the massive purchase of cereal packages they made in said establishment.

Up to six supermarket carts Walmart They were completely loaded with boxes of cereals of different brands, causing stupor among the other buyers.

“If you were looking for cereal at this Walmart in Hialeah and you couldn’t find any, this is why…,” the news site stated sardonically. Only in Dadewhich published a video in which customers are seen passing through the supermarket checkout.

The row of up to six shopping carts full of cereals caused astonishment and curiosity among users, who left comments on the publication.

Some ventured that they were for resale through e-commerce, others that it was a purchase for nuclear shelters. Some said that this type of purchase is common for military personnel on maneuvers at bases, and others bet that the purchase would end up on the shelves of a MSME in Cuba.

The Walmart chain is very popular among Cubans residing in the United States, as demonstrated by many of their publications on social networks.

There are who they take the opportunity to dance with the ambient music of the establishment, some They regret how expensive the purchase was, while others consider that it came out cheap. and a few They relate to the chain in a criminal manner.

In mid-December, two Cuban women – one a customer and the other a cashier – They were involved in an altercation in a supermarket in Hialeahas could be seen in a video that went viral on networks.

In the images you can hear how one of the women attacked the saleswoman, also of Cuban origin, whom she challenged to come out from behind the counter to “undo her hair.”

“Get down so you can see that you are not in Cuba. This is United States of America, baby“the woman shouted, visibly upset.

It is not clear what happened, but it appears to have been a disagreement over the placement of the purchased items on the tape or the exclusion of some of them in the final purchase.

“Can you imagine leaving a rotten country and society like Cuba, arriving in a country with all the opportunities you could never imagine, and treating an employee who is serving you in that way? How horrible!” he said. a commentator.

“They haven’t taken off their flip flops yet”; “People who should never have come”; “Because of things like this I haven’t moved to Florida since 1979”; “These characters don’t fit anywhere”; “Gossip is in their DNA. What a shame! They classify us all equally,” said others.

Jayalía is the third world and I am not going to discuss it with anyone“said a woman in the comments to the video.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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