Willie Coln addresses his possible retirement after concert at the Cali Fair

MIAMI.- The salsero Willie Coln had an unusual presentation at the Fair Cali, Colombia. During the show, the musician of Puerto Rican descent took some breaks and even had to get off the stage due to a decompensation he suffered.

The presentation, although it was questioned by many, marked a significant amount of attention to his followers and to Colón himself, who hours later spoke out about it to offer apologies to those attending the event and explain what had happened, but not without leaving one hand the possible need to start your withdrawal.

The 73-year-old artist commented that the trip to the Colombian city was exhausting, the heat of the city affected him and he could not rest long enough before the presentation.

For those who are asking what happened at the Cali Fair, I’m fine, it was very hot. This trip to Cali was very complicated because of the connections and things we had to do to get there, and even when we arrived in Cali we had problems with immigration, I couldn’t rest enough, he said.

Willie Coln’s retirement

Likewise, the artist denied the accusations of a scam against the attendees, since on networks they indicated that the show was not up to par and that the singer did not want to comply with his agenda and had stolen the money of those who bought the ticket.

In that sense, Colón stated that he is already treating with specialists the exhaustion that led him not to give his best in Colombia. He declared that if the doctors consider that his condition does not allow him to continue with the rhythm that a concert implies, then the time will have come to say goodbye to the stage.

“I started well and suddenly I ran out of gas, I had to get off; the heat didn’t help either and thank God I was able to recover enough to close my round, I’m fine and thank you for keeping an eye on me, I’m consulting with my doctors. For those that they accused me of stealing my money, it makes no sense to go to Cali to do that, it is the same effort, for the one who said that if I am too old, if the doctors determine that that is the case, then on December 27, 2023 in Cali, Colombia will have been Willie Colón’s last concert,” he emphasized.

It is not the first time that El Malo del Brox addresses his possible retirement.

Previously, in another concert The salsero had indicated that he was aware that his musical retirement was approaching and thanked his followers for the support they have shown him throughout his years of career.

“This may be my last concert, not because I’m going to die, the truth is I don’t know when that will come, but for many reasons I want to take this opportunity to thank you, to thank all of you, some of you They accompanied me from after hours in the neighborhood, to the clubs on Broadway and the parties in their towns,” he said.

“I accompanied you a lot while they were cleaning or when they got home from work, I was with you and you made me a star, and for that I am grateful and proud, I feel very happy, thank you,” he concluded.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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