The case for the death of lvaro Prieto at the Santa Justa station is filed

The Court of Instruction number 11 of Seville has filed the case opened for the death of the Córdoba youth player, Álvaro Prieto, last October 12. Justice considers that the death of the young man was due to electrocution, as the autopsy report on the body suggested.

The order, signed on December 19 and released this Tuesday to the media, concludes that There is no evidence of the commission of any criminal offense and it also rules out the intentional or reckless participation of third parties in the tragic death of Prieto. Therefore, all the versions that came to light during his disappearance that pointed to a possible persecution have been discarded.

To justify the closure of the case, the Court is based on the evidence collected after the appearance of the body, as well as on the taking of samples in the area and on the recordings of the security cameras that The Police were able to compile both the days in which Prieto was missing and the days afterward.

According to the forensic reports that have been taken into account, Álvaro Prieto died on the same October 12 in which his disappearance was reported. Climbing through the intersection between two cars, he tried to reach the top of a train that remained stopped, but he fell, struck down. when coming into contact with the catenary.

Four days later, on October 16, his body was located when it was recorded and broadcast live by the cameras of the TVE program Maaneros. Therefore, Since there is no evidence of the perpetration of any criminal act, the court has decided to legally close the case.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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