Sunday January 15, 2023 | 2:00 p.m.

What should have been a day of celebration and reunion with family and friends for Christmas, for José Gall (57) and his wife Elena Martínez (60) represented the beginning of an ordeal.

And it is that since last Sunday, December 25, the couple has done nothing but pray and implore for the speedy recovery of their son, Andrés Gall (19), who that morning, when trying to help a friend who had problems with a group of neighbors, was shot in the abdomen with a shotgun and is struggling to survive in a bed in the intensive care sector of the Ramón Madariaga hospital in the provincial capital.

The attack took place around 12:30 a.m., about three blocks from the young man’s house, and for this fact the Misiones Police arrested four days later two alleged individuals involved in the attack: Luis D. (49) and Diego C. (32 ). Both were caught during an operation carried out in the Nuevo neighborhood of Jardín América, the same neighborhood where the attack occurred, although for the victim’s family there are still more involved to be arrested, all of them relatives of the two detainees.

Anguished by the situation they have to live, but more than anything outraged at considering that there are more involved in the attack, both José and Elena spoke to this morning newspaper and did not hide their discomfort.

In the first instance, José reconstructed how his son’s intervention originated in the supposed neighborhood conflict that took place during the first minutes of Christmas, a few blocks from his house in the Nuevo neighborhood.

“A group went to run over the house of a neighbor, named Mario Asunción. That’s when the son came home to ask for help, because he is my son’s buddy. My son was not at home at that time but when he returned he found out what what was happening and went to see. It was at that moment that he received the bullet,” the father began his story, very sorry.

In turn, he narrated that when he found out about the neighborhood conflict, seeing that neither he nor his wife answered the calls of the local Radioelectric Command, he decided to go to the aforementioned unit himself.

Regarding the latter, he said: “I went to the Command and told him that my neighbor’s house had been run over. There, after a while, I found out that my son had been shot. And from there we already went to the hospital because they took him quickly, otherwise I was not going to hold on.”

“They shot him with a shotgun and because of the pellets he has nine impacts,” said the man, who added that moments later, his son commented, already badly injured, that “Yesi and old Pila” were the attackers.

Luis D. (49) and Diego are being held as implicated in the attack. c. (32).

“They told us that the shot was not for Andrés, it was for someone else, but it is the version they gave. We do not know the Pilas and the issue was apparently with the Díaz. Surely because there were previous fights,” he commented. the interviewee about what was already known in the area in relation to the conflicts between different families in the area. Where apparently they used to throw stones at each other and exchange threats back and forth.

In relation to his son’s state of health, José commented that the young man’s lungs are very compromised and that the doctors who treat him in Posadas are making progress in counteracting a bacterium that entered his body.

“We want justice”

For her part, Elena (60), was also very dismayed by her son’s state of health.

In this regard, he indicated: “They destroyed the life of a 19-year-old boy who studied, who worked. We did not bother anyone. The Police did nothing, we took him to the hospital, the neighbor took him with the truck. ”

The woman, who is retired and a salesperson, added that Andrés stopped working at the tarefa some time ago because his intention is to finish high school. Precisely this year he must finish the accelerated course and his idea is to be able to join some public force.

Although he commented that in addition to studying, in recent times he worked as a bricklayer and as a carpenter.

On the other hand, Elena added that she is constantly in contact with the prosecutor of the Investigating Court Two of Jardín América, Jorge Fernández and that thanks to that she is aware of the news in the case.

Andrés (19) wanted to finish the accelerated course to enter a force.

Precisely, the last piece of information he had is that he was denied a request for release presented by the lawyers of the detainees who are in the investigation.

Although at the end, the mother was forceful with her request: “We want Justice. We demand that all those involved in the attack be arrested and that my son recover as soon as possible.”

pneumonia chart

Regarding the state of health of Andrés Gall (19), last Wednesday morning the last medical report was accessed from the Ramón Madariaga Hospital in Posadas. According to sources consulted by this morning, the general state of health of the young man continues to be very compromised and this is due to the fact that the doctors focus their efforts during these hours on trying to control a picture of pneumonia that the patient presents with antibiotics.

On the other hand, he said that the other vital organs are in perfect condition and that thanks to this, during the last hours, he began to feed through a tube.

For now, the young man continues with assisted mechanical ventilation in the intensive care sector and with a reserved prognosis.


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