Despite the arrival of spring, atmospheric disturbances have marked the weather forecast since the beginning of April. For this Wednesday, April 5, 2023, the weather will be overcast on almost all of the national territory with a slight drop in temperatures.

In its weather report for this Wednesday, Météo Algérie indicated that “a cloudy to cloudy sky will cover the western and central regions of the country, with some rain in the interior and the highlands, improving in the evening”.

Regarding the eastern regions of the country, the same source forecast “cloudy periods with some rain, improving at the end of the afternoon, on the coastal and interior regions of this zone”. “A cloudy to cloudy sky will mark the high plateaus and the Aurès, with some rain on the Aurès improving in the evening,” said Météo Algérie.

In addition, the services of the National Office of Meteorology (ONM) have indicated that “a generally clear sky will cover the south-west of the Saharan regions, becoming more and more cloudy from the evening with some rain sometimes thunderstorms in the Tindouf region”.

According to the same services, “a temporarily cloudy sky will cover the Central Sahara, the North Sahara and the Oases”. While “a clear to partially cloudy sky in general will mark the other southern regions of the country”.

Weather report for April 5: what will the weather be like today?

The return of rain and cold characterized the weather forecast for this month of April. In fact, after a relatively warm month of March, temperatures observed a slight drop.

For this Wednesday, April 5, the ONM has indicated that the maximum temperatures will vary between 16 and 26 ° C on the coastal regions. Thus, Météo Algérie has forecast 16°C in El Tarf, 17°C in Béjaia, 18°C ​​in Tenes, 19°C in Tipaza and 26°C in Tlemcen.

In the interior regions of the country, maximum temperatures will reach between 12 and 26°C. With 15°C in Mila, 17°C in Guelma, 18°C ​​in Djelfa, 21°C in Blida and 25°C in Chlef. Finally, as far as the Saharan regions are concerned, the services of Météo Algérie have forecast maximum temperatures varying between 22 and 39°C. According to the same source, today, the mercury will show 24°C in Tindouf, 29°C in Ouargla and 32°C in Djanet.

“Violent wind” and “sandwind” alert on several wilayas this April 5

In addition, the services of the ONM placed in yellow vigilance “violent wind” and “sandwind” several wilayas of the South of the country. Indeed, the alert concerns the wilayas of Tindouf, Béchar, El Bayadh, Timimoun, El Meniaa, Ouargla, Ghardaia and Naama. In addition, Météo Algérie also indicated that strong winds will affect three wilayas of the North-West, these are the wilayas of Ain Témouchent, Oran and Mostaganem.


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