The path to the primary elections (PASO) in August is increasingly marked by a economic crisis that puts in “danger of extinction” to savings of Argentine individuals and families, as reflected in a new survey in which, in addition, the growth of the intention to vote for the libertarian was once again highlighted Javier Miley.

This is a survey by the consulting firm Taquión carried out between April 5 and 10 on 2,566 cases, through an online questionnaire, whose axis was the “daily economy of Argentines.” More than 60% of those consulted affirmed that they no longer save any of the money they receive each month.

To this data is added that “1 in 2 Argentines do not have money left over after paying their essential expenses” and that, logically, 8 out of 10 people point to “the inflation as the most urgent problem“.

But in addition, the survey included an electoral chapter in which Milei appeared with an intention to vote that surpassed the one obtained by the PRO by one point and left Frente de Todos in third place.

The survey thus suggests a possible relationship between the “Milei phenomenon” and the increasingly difficult economic situationan element that has already begun to be analyzed with concern in Together for Change, especially after the rise in the dollar that rapidly erodes the purchasing power of the peso and feeds the libertarian’s campaign discourse.

Is Argentine savings extinguished?: this marks the survey

The consultant pointed out that “Argentines’ ability to save is today a species in danger of extinction”, given that, when asked what percentage of their income they allocate to savings, 64.7% answered “nothing, 0%”.

Savings power fell drastically due to inflation, according to a survey by consulting firm Taquion

This scenario is accentuated in the case of the youngest: in the “Generation Z” -born between the end of the 1990s and the mid-2000s- the inability to save climbs to 72.7%, according to the consultant.

Meanwhile, the 14% of those consulted replied that it is intended for saving “less than 10%” of their income and 7.8% said they can save “between 10% and 20%” of the money they receive each month. 3.6% answered that they save “between 20% and 30%”; 2.4% of the sample answered “between 30% and 40%” and only 1.3% said “more than 40%”, while 6.2% did not answer.

One of the highlights of that chapter of the survey was that Among the people who can save, 29.4% said that they do so “in dollars” and 26.3% answered that they choose the fixed term.

He 16.8% affirmed that they treasure “in cash”, 8.7% leave their money in the bank account; 6.9% opt for common investment funds; 3.8% answered that they save in shares and 1.2% buying in cryptocurrencies.

Does Milei benefit from the economic crisis?: The libertarian’s numbers

The data about the impossibility of saving that affects the youngest is eloquent on the electoral level, since there it is where Milei has her strongest political base. According to all the surveys, among people under 30 years of age, the libertarian is the clear favorite for the elections.

The Taquion survey on the economic situation had a chapter referring to the elections in which, When measuring the different political spaces with the PRO and the UCR separated, the leader of La Libertad Avanza led the preferences with 24.3% of voting intentions.

Milei is positioned in the electoral preferences with chances of being the most voted in the PASO

Pro by Mauricio Macri, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Patricia Bullrich” got 23%followed by the “Front of All by Alberto Fernández, Cristina Kirchner, Daniel Scioli and Sergio Massa” with and 21.4%. Further back appeared “radicalism by Gerardo Morales, Facundo Manes and Martín Lousteau” with the 7,1%.

Although the PRO and the UCR together would reach 30.1% for the Together for Change front, the result of the poll reinforced the possibility that Milei will be the candidate most voted individually in the PASOwhere it will have no internal competitors for the presidential candidacy of La Libertad Avanza.

Meanwhile, the “Peronism of Juan Schiaretti, Juan Manuel Urtubey and Florencio Randazzo” obtained 4.8% in the Taquion survey, followed by “the Left of Myriam Bregman and Nicolás del Caño” with 2.5%.

3.4% stated that they would “challenge or annul” their vote, 6.1% anticipated that they would vote blank and a very high 7.5% responded that “they would not vote”which could eventually confirm another of the fears of the political leadership in the face of this year’s elections: high absenteeism.

Inflation and wages, the main demands

In the context of the crisis, Milei’s campaign began to rely almost exclusively on his idea of ​​dollarizing the economy as a solution to inflation. Despite the fact that most economists maintain that it is not possible and that the social consequences could be serious, the libertarian’s discourse began to find an echo in a sector of the electorate.

And it is that the rise in prices is sustained as the main social concern and it begins to grow in the priorities of the electorate after the 7.7% in March and the prospect of a possible new jump as a result of the rise of the blue dollar in recent days.

When asked about the issues on which the Government should work to “generate an impact” in its “everyday economy”, the answer “lower inflation” was chosen by 77.8% of those surveyed by Tachyon. It was followed by “improve wages” with 55.3% and “lower taxes” with 45.1%.

Finally, the option “open imports” had 27.9% positive responses, “resolve the foreign debt” 24.1% and “remove the stocks on the purchase of dollars” 23.2%.


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