Lots of color and a personal touch

MIAMI.- Harmony between colors and adding a personal touch are key when decorating spaces, says interior decorator Mónica Saravia, creator of the interior design firm that emerged with her name about 10 years ago in her native Santa Marta, in the Colombian coast.

Blue, beige or peach tone are the stars this year in terms of trends of decoration, leaving the white behind. But it is also important to add personalization by accentuating with accessories in tones that provide contrasts or highlights.

White, on the walls, which previously took center stage, gives space to beige; The incorporation of colors also comes. Blue and peach have been selected by several companies as the colors for this year. And give personality to the spaces, said Mnica Saravia in an interview with DIARIO LAS AMRICAS.

There are also metallic touches in accessories, lamps or pebbles in the cushions; or chrome details that attract light.

If appearance is important, feeling comfortable and at ease is also important, whether in the living room or in the bedroom.

Another trend is comfort. Spaces are to be enjoyed. Softer sofas are in style, as are headboards, even mattresses. Also the mix of patterns and textiles, indicated Saravia.

The expert suggested combining prints to, precisely, print that personal touch that she recommends should not be missing in every space in the home.

We can mix line prints with checkered or figured cushions. The idea is to mix patterns without forgetting to add our personality to our house.

Although in other seasons decoration trends leaned towards minimalism, now Saravia considers that more is more, unlike the much-mentioned less is more in terms of fashion design.

The more cushions, the better, like a hotel bed. That is the trend, to give that feeling to the house, both in the bedrooms and in the bathrooms or in the living room. Now minimalism gives space for us to add our personality, incorporating furniture as protagonists and adding textures, patterns and color. That whole mix is ​​valid this year, he said.

We are working in layers. So, we put lines on the tapestry and color on the headboard. And we put sheets or quilts on the duvet so that it looks very pompous.

Likewise, he explained that the use of certain colors is applied to try to create or transmit a mood. In the case of blue, it invites relaxation.

Blue generates calm. And we are applying it to both walls and furniture; or on the carpet or cushions.

One option to renew the decoration each season, taking into account that the furniture is not usually changed frequently, is to maintain neutrality.

The base can be neutral, that is, a beige or white sofa, which can last a lifetime and add, through accessories, these types of colors and patterns that are in trend. You don’t change a sofa every year, but the accessories can be changed.

So, I recommend having a neutral base that allows you to achieve a different look with accessories if you get bored. Instead of painting the wall, you can change the paper, which does not put a big burden on the budget. And with that you changed the house.

He advises not to follow trends and get carried away by individual preferences.

I always say not to chase trends, but to be guided by personal taste, your needs, because the house is our refuge and it is to be enjoyed.

Among the renovation requests he has attended to, striking colors stand out, but he also decorates rooms with different styles or tones within the same house.

There was a time of pink houses. At the end of this year we are going to deliver a project where we are going to mix. The lady likes colors and the room has a mix of yellow and green. And the apartment goes through colors. One room has pink wallpaper with ostriches. There is a desk that matches, it is white with pink details. That is the art room and the guest room has the orange bed. The wallpaper is of Chinese lanterns. Her room is the calmest, a blue tone is going to be used. And the bed is the only neutral piece of furniture in the entire project, he described.

I think that’s the most extravagant project so far.

The interior design firm Mónica Saravia has families among its clients, but they have also decorated spaces in hotels, restaurants or building lobbies.

The majority are families with children. However, we also have many clients who have vacation apartments in another city in Colombia or the US and Canada. Also older people who want to renovate their homes.

One of its purposes is to make the firm known outside of Colombia.

This year the internationalization of our firm is coming, we want to come to the US. And for that we have the support of ProColombia, which is an entity that supports Colombian companies so that this process (of becoming known outside the country) is carried out successfully. We hope to start soon with the first project in Miami.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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