Marta Peate suffers a domestic accident: I don't want you to end up vomiting

Marta Peate has had a tremendous scare. The television company has shared on its social networks the serious domestic accident in which he almost lost one of his fingers. Everything originated because of a mixer that almost crushes the index finger of his right hand. The images are not suitable for sensitive and apprehensive people, since the painful consequences suffered by this setback can be seen.

I have a problem, well I have several, but today I have one in particular, several problems these days, but one in particular. This finger has been crushed by a blender, she said as he showed the blood and cuts on his finger. This accident has disrupted the professional and work commitments of the television station.who assures that he will not upload any video for a while so as not to hurt the sensitivity of his followers.

This makes it impossible for me to record content. Today I wanted to record trying mascaras, but I can’t, I don’t want you to end up vomiting at the end of the video. If you see me in some of the Telecinco debates, I always have a band-aid on my finger, because really, I put myself in your place and say that they may vomit.


The other setback by Marta Peate

This has not been the only setback that Peate has suffered in recent weeks. The television actress shared on her social networks the serious difficulties she is having becoming a mother. The last fertility process she underwent to get pregnant turned out to be negative. My result has been negative. I’m not pregnant. We all knew there was a 50% chance I wouldn’t get it the first time. I am strong to continue fighting (…), he wrote on his social networks.

Tony Spina, his partner, also spoke on social networks about this sad news. It has been negative, we knew it was difficult, the first attempt is very difficult, it was heads or tails. Now it’s time to rest, recharge our batteries and keep trying, we’re sure to achieve it.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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