Shakira's demands for her children's privacy cause her problems

MIAMI.- As part of the promotional tour of disco Women no longer crywhich premieres this March 22, Shakira spoke with the Apple Music platform and reflected on what the amor, but also the importance that this feeling has in the amistad.

In the trailer published on social networks, Shakira confessed that what she has experienced in recent years were not desirable situations.

“No one plans to go through as many difficulties and complex experiences as I did. It’s the first time I’ve had to deal with so much as a single mother,” she said.

However, he pointed out that in the midst of vicissitudes people can find a tool to become stronger and move forward, which in his case, as he has said before, was music. “I did what I thought was necessary for me. I had to pick up the pieces of myself and then put them back together. And the music was the glue.”

“Experiencing pain makes you more human. And the artistic experience of being able to take that pain and transform it into something else, that is a luxury that we artists have,” he added when asked if the way he approached his feelings with music experiences required courage.

Love and friendship

In the interview, the Colombian also pointed out how she has always been a romantic when it comes to love. However, she stressed that in recent years, she has noticed the true importance of the love that she gives off from friendship.

“Experiencing love fully, with its ups and downs, is so essential to human life. I love love, but I think I love friendship more. I thought that love would be there forever and that is one of my broken dreams and not If I will ever find it again, probably not,” he alleged.

Likewise, she highlighted that when the world came crashing down on her, it was her friends who supported her.

“When I had to face the worst moments of my life, my friends were there, they showed me the true meaning of life. Maybe I won’t grow old with someone as a couple, but maybe surrounded by friends,” she reiterated.

In a recent interview with The Times, the Barranquilla woman stated that out of love for Gerard Piqu she put her career on pause. But, although many criticized her for how she exposed details of the breakup through her songs, she felt good about it because in that way she channeled her fury and managed to exorcise many demons that tormented her.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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