Shakira, rejected by an actor

Despite being a great international star who seems to have nothing to resistwith a millionaire heritage and world fame that makes all his songs become the most listened to on streaming platforms, in recent months Shakira demonstrated (and sang) that, personally, she has the problems that the most common of mortals.

His parents are not in good health.d (especially William Mebarak, who is more delicate), and in love she has seen her story with Gerard Piqu, the father of her children, break up, which led her to move to Miami with little Milan and Sasha to try to rebuild her relationship. life. He was leaving behind a relationship for which he had even kept his successful career in music aside and in which, according to the story in his songs, they would have been unfaithful. (and pointed to Clara Cha).

Ms informacin

  • The parents of the students at the school where their two children attend in the United States would also be upset by the presence of security at the center.

Well, according to the Colombian magazine VeaIt is It was not the first love setback for the woman from Barranquillawho already would have been rejected years ago by a gal from her country: Naren Daryanani.

This was his story

Flirting on the part of the singer took place in the ninetieswhen it still did not have the impact and worldwide fame that it now enjoys after almost three decades of success in music.

At that time, furthermore, I also tried my luck in acting and during the production of a photographic report on other faces of the Colombian television moment for the defunct magazine Tvynovelas that took place in Aruba I met the actor when she was barely 17 years old.from the popular fiction Fathers and sons.

According to the magazine, the singer and the performer they started a friendship because, precisely, his series was recorded near where she had the studio where she prepared her album, in the Nicols de Federmán neighborhood of Bogotá.

That’s when she I left him a cassette with his first songs at the door of his house., so that he would be one of the privileged ones to hear them in advance, however, after long days filming, he arrived so late that he did not have time to enjoy them, so he never picked up the singer’s glove. In addition, at that time he was the partner of his also partner Andrea Guzmán.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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