Taberna La Concha, one of the most controversial restaurants in Kitchen Nightmare, closes

Among all the unforgettable scenes that he has left throughout his eight seasons visiting restaurants throughout Spain, one of the most remembered are those that happened inside the La Concha Tavern. Antonio, the manager of the premises, left a string of comments that have remained in the collective imagination of fans of the program presented by Alberto Chicote.

The manager of the establishment has announced in a review on Google Maps that the establishment will close on April 1. We changed location for family reasons starting April 1. We closed the El Roco restaurant. Starting in May we opened a new restaurant in my hometown, Chilln, in Ciudad Real. Thank you to everyone who has visited us at the restaurant located in El Roco, he wrote.


A big hug from all of us who make up this emblematic restaurant in the village of El Roco, which will go down in history as Antonio el de Chicote. Thank you all for your comments, good or bad, it doesn’t matter. For us, you are all clients without distinction of sex, race or color, they continued before transferring the clients to the new location in Chilln.

The user of the social network Antonio’s naturalness when defending his cooking in front of the chef: The rice is delicious. If he tells me it’s not good, I’ll hit him with the butt, he said.

The success of the program was such that Chicote returned to El Roco some time later to see how the restaurant had evolved after the program. Your menu was not in keeping with this land here, he snapped at the chef. And, seeing that the establishment had not changed its bad habits, Antonio entrusted himself to the Virgin: He told me to be who I am. I see her every night, she is on the balcony of my house.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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