The musician Pedro Surez-Vrtiz dies at the age of 54

MIAMI.- He musician, Peruvian singer, composer, producer and writer Pedro Surez Vrtiz died today, December 28, at the age of 54 after fighting an illness. The unfortunate news was confirmed by the local media Trade from Per.

“The intrprete of xitos as A wine, a beer, I forgot y The sky balloons He died on the morning of this December 28th. According to the National Police of Peru, officers arrived at his home at 6:55 am and spoke with the singer’s eldest son,” the newspaper detailed on his website.

Police report

“The police officers indicated that his death would have been of natural causes and was certified by a private doctor who treated the singer in his fight against muscle atrophy, a degenerative disease that reduced his health,” he added. Trade.

According to the newspaper, Pedro Surez Vrtiz was forced to leave the stage due to his pathology. However, this year and thanks to Artificial Intelligence, the artist was able to return to music after 12 years, with the premiere of the song Love, I lost faith in you.

“Guys, I just received some great news that made me really happy: Love, I lost faith in you has just debuted on radio nationwide, what radio?, MegaMix 96.7 FM,” the performer wrote on his social networks.

Born on February 13, 1969 in Lima, Peru, Pedro Martín José María Surez Vrtiz Alva was part of the musical group Arena Hash in the 1980s. Then, he began his career as a soloist by releasing the albums (They do not exist) Techniques to forget (1993), Put it on your tongue (1996), Degeneracin actual (1999), Play (2004), Talk show (2006) y Amazonas (2009).

Pedro is survived by three children and his wife, Cynthia Martinez.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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