Women are learning to love ourselves

MADRID.- The actress Rossy de Palma will make its debut this Sunday, March 17 at the Teatro Real with the money logo ‘Silence’, part of a triptych with the operas ‘The Human Voice’ and ‘The Wait’, in what will mean “a new collection of eight thousand surpassed” in her career with a vindicating role for women.

“It is a role that shows a new feminine vision regarding love since we do not want to suffer so much. For me, a discovery, because we have already seen in the recent 8-M: women are learning to love ourselves, which is the first love that we must have,” explained the actress at a press conference to present the production.

‘The Human Voice’, by Francis Poulenc, and ‘The Wait’, by Schonbrg, are two short operas for soprano and orchestra —- 40 minutes each and 35 minutes the other —, with stage direction by Christof Loyd. . The choice to put both pieces together is due to the thematic similarity, that of a woman who is abandoned by a man with whom she is in love.

Loyd imagined De Palma in the role of the friend of the protagonist of the first, ‘The Human Voice’ -voiced by Ermonela Jaho-, but it is a role that leads the actress to “be mute” on stage, just as she explained. That is why he decided to intersperse a kind of ‘intermezzo’ with a theatrical monologue, in which the opinion of love regarding that other character was known.

“It is a hinge role between that theme of despair and heartbreak, in which we do not spare suffering,” the interpreter of ‘The Law of Desire’ commented with humor. In this sense, her character serves as a counterpoint to the lack of love of the other protagonists, a kind of current empowerment.

De Palma considers that “if this brief monologue proves anything” it is that “you don’t have to make a woman wait”, and that in some way ‘Silence’ represents “hope for a new form of love that makes you suffer less.” “What it is about is not being slaves to that look of love that has always been sold to us,” he said.

‘Silence’ is also a reflection on new technologies and how they affect relationships, because “today they can leave you on WhatsApp and you no longer need your voice.” And with a ‘wink’ to zarzuela, since the monologue takes parts from some work of this genre that addresses the question of “how long can a heartbreak last.” “It’s a medley of things that we liked, I have also introduced poems about heartbreak,” acknowledged the actress, also announcing that there will be texts by Oscar Wilde or Bertolt Brecht.

“I’m very husky”

De Palma, awarded the Gold Medal for Arts and Letters in France, admitted feeling “a lot of nerves” in the face of a new challenge in her long career, although she points out that singing is not a novelty. “I already dabbled with him, when I studied for a while with a mezzo-soprano,” she said. She also had a pop group in ‘La movida’ called Peor impossible.

However, he recognizes that in this multifaceted profile, he has “never” entered the realm of “exclusivity”, which may have distanced him from certain roles. “I have not been able to pursue a musical career, nor ballet, because I am very husky, self-taught and rebellious,” he said.

This new production in collaboration with the Polish National Opera – in fact, the artistic director of the Teatro Real, Joan Matabosch, has left in the air the question of whether De Palama could go to Poland also for the next premiere -, has the musical direction by Jrmie Rhorer and ensures “strong emotions.” “Let the audience take their Kleenex, because after the first opera you need a glass of champagne and a ‘little break,'” De Palma joked.

FUENTE: Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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